
The Welcome of William Penn's Fleet

Reconstructed Ship Passenger List: Deal to Pennsylvania, 1682

Reconstructing the Welcome Passenger List, August-October 1682 - a Genealogy Project
The Ship Welcome sailed from Deal, England, departing 31 August 1682, and arrived at the mouth of the Delaware River (New Castle) on 27 October 1682, later anchoring at Chester, Pennsylvania (28 October). William Penn and friends then went to Philadelphia. The ship's master was Robert Greenway. A passenger list has not survived, but much research has been done to show who may have been on the ship with William Penn. Here is a list of possible Welcome passengers ("proven" according to the Welcome Claimants - see sources below).
  1. John Barber, of Shipley, Essex; possibly died on the voyage
  2. Elizabeth Barber, his wife (daughter of John Songhurst - see passenger #50)
  3. William Buckman, born circa 1650 at or near Ballinghurst, Sussex
  4. Sarah Buckman, his wife
  5. Sarah Buckman, his daughter
  6. Mary Buckman, his daughter
  7. Joan Buckman, his mother
  8. Ruth Buckman, his sister
  9. Edward Buckman, his brother
  10. Thomas Buckman, his brother
  11. Thomas Fitzwater
  12. Mary Fitzwater, wife of Thomas Fitzwater, died on voyage
  13. Thomas Fitzwater, son of Thomas Fitzwater
  14. George Fitzwater, son of Thomas Fitzwater
  15. Josiah Fitzwater, son of Thomas Fitzwater, died on voyage
  16. Mary Fitzwater, daughter of Thomas Fitzwater, died on voyage
  17. Thomas Gillett
  18. Bartholomew Green, servant (to Richard Townsend - see passenger #52)
  19. Nathaniel Harrison, servant (to Richard Townsend - see passenger #52)
  20. Jeffrey Hawkins
  21. Dorothy Hawkins, his wife
  22. Roger Hawkins, their son
  23. James Hawkins, their son
  24. Daniel Hawkins, their son
  25. Jeffrey Hawkins, their son
  26. Susanna Hawkins, their daughter
  27. Elizabeth Hawkins, their daughter
  28. Thomas Heriott, of Sussex, died on voyage
  29. Richard Ingelo, son of English Church clergyman, Nathaniel Ingelo; returned to England circa 1686
  30. Isaac Ingram, of Gatton, Surrey, died on voyage
  31. Thomas Jones, servant of Dennis Rochford (see passenger #41)
  32. William Lushington
  33. Jeane Matthews, servant of Dennis Rochford (see passenger #41)
  34. Hannah Mogeridge, servant of John Rowland (see passenger #45)
  35. Joshua Morris
  36. David Ogden, born 1655
  37. John Ottey, servant of Thomas Fitzwater (see passenger #13)
  38. Eleanor Pain (Ellinor Pain), daughter of James & Anne Paine of Brighton; servant of William Wade (see passenger #56)
  39. William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania
  40. James Portiff (or Proteus), servant of William Wade (see passenger #56)
  41. Dennis Rochford, born in Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland in 1647
  42. Mary Rochford, 2nd wife of Dennis Rochford
  43. Mary Rochford, their daughter, died on voyage
  44. Grace Rochford, daughter of Dennis Rochford & his 1st wife, died on voyage
  45. John Rowland, of Sussex
  46. Priscilla Rowland, wife of John Rowland
  47. Thomas Rowland, brother of John Rowland
  48. William Smith, servant of Richard Townsend (see passenger #52)
  49. John Snashfold, died on voyage
  50. John Songhurst, of Sussex, father of Elizabeth Barber (see passenger #2)
  51. George Thompson
  52. Richard Townsend
  53. Ann Townsend, wife of Richard Townsend
  54. James Townsend, their child, born on the Welcome
  55. Hannah Townsend, Richard Townsend's daughter
  56. William Wade, of Sussex, died on voyage
  57. Zachariah Whitpaine, born in London 1665; married Sarah Songhurst (see below) in Philadelphia in 1686; son of Richard Whitpaine, a butcher, of London
  58. Joseph Woodrooffe
  59. Thomas Wynne, of Wales
Additional Possible Passengers
  • Thomas Buckman, son of William Buckman (see passenger #3); possibly died on voyage
  • Benjamin Chambers, co-executor (with John Songhurst) of William Wade's will (see passengers #50 & #56)
  • Hannah Ogden, sister of David Ogden (see passenger #36)
  • Sarah Ogden, sister of David Ogden
  • Mary Songhurst, wife of John Songhurst (see passenger #50)
  • Sarah Songhurst, their daughter
  • John Songhurst, their son

Tepper, Michael (editor), New World Immigrants: a Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists and Associated Data from Periodical Literature (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1988).

McCracken, George E, The Welcome Claimants Proved, Disproved and Doubtful with an Account of Some of their Descendants (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970); Uses extensive research to prove or disprove claims made as to who was on the ship Welcome with William Penn.

Related Resources
Reconstructing the Antelope Passenger List - Belfast to Philadelphia 1682

The Welcome Society's List of Ancestors - list of Quakers who came to America with William Penn's Fleet during 1682

Ship Passenger Lists on the Internet

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